E-ISSN 2983-7561

Review Article
Online Published: 20 Jul 2023

Alkhaqani: ChatGPT and academic integrity in nursing and health sciences education


As the realm of technology continues to evolve, artificial intelligence (AI) applications are revolutionizing various industries, including education. In the field of health sciences and nursing education, AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT are being utilized to enhance learning experiences and help students improve their academic performance. However, as with any technological advancement, there are certain concerns surrounding the use of AI in higher education. One of the main issues is the potential for plagiarism facilitated by AI. This article explores the role of AI and ChatGPT in health sciences and nursing education and the challenges it poses regarding academic integrity.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that revolutionizes how we approach many societal challenges. The power of AI to learn and evolve based on data input has enabled us to create systems that can perform tasks that were once thought to be impossible. One of these tasks involves detecting plagiarism, which has long been a concern in higher education. Traditional plagiarism detection methods have relied on manual comparisons, which are time-consuming and often ineffective [1]. However, with AI, we can now implement more accurate and reliable measures to detect plagiarism faster and more efficiently. In the field of higher education, AI has shown promise in improving student engagement and learning outcomes. However, it also brings up concerns about plagiarism in academic settings. Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work as your own without proper acknowledgment. In health sciences and nursing education, plagiarism can lead to serious consequences as it can compromise patient safety and the integrity of the healthcare profession [2].
As AI continues to advance, it is becoming easier for students to plagiarize in their academic work. For example, students can use ChatGPT to generate responses for their assignments without citing the source of the generated text. This undermines the fundamental principles of academic integrity and poses a challenge to educators and institutions to preserve academic honesty and rigor. Despite the risks, AI also presents an opportunity for educators to prevent plagiarism. By using AI-powered anti-plagiarism software, instructors can detect and prevent plagiarism in student assignments. For instance, Turnitin is an AI-powered plagiarism checker that analyzes student assignments and compares them to a massive database of academic materials to detect possible plagiarism [3].

Role of technology in detecting plagiarism in higher education

AI is an emerging technology that has the potential to detect plagiarism seamlessly and it involves the use of algorithms to monitor, evaluate and identify similarities in the writings of different individuals. AI technology can identify elevated group similarities and highlight exact or near-exact matches using specific keywords, phrases, or even entire paragraph structures. An effective AI-based plagiarism detection system is ChatGPT. ChatGPT’s language model is trained to generate text by predicting the next word or sequence of words in a given sentence or phrase. This system can efficiently detect common parlances and terminologies and even distinguish plagiarism in international students’ works [4].
Plagiarism in higher education in health sciences and nursing education is also prevalent due to the unavailability of quality and updated study materials, which forces students to rely on unauthorized websites, and journals, without checking for the original sources. Furthermore, some assignments given to students may be time-consuming, have strict deadlines, and target multiple topics, making it challenging to create original content. The inability to successfully manage these demands leads students to cut corners out of laziness, inexperience, or plain incompetence [5].
Being first-hand trained on the dangers of plagiarism, it is paramount for professors to educate their students and provide them with the resources and tools to help them avoid plagiarism. In a typical instance, educators could emphasize originality, conduct plagiarism checks on students’ assignments, and encourage teamwork and the constructive use of peer-reviewed materials. In addition, updating the students’ knowledge early on about using AI-based systems like ChatGPT’s in detecting plagiarism and highlighting the consequences and penalties of committing such an unethical offense can help deter would-be offenders [6].
ChatGPT is one example of AI technology that has been developed to detect plagiarism. It analyzes text and compares it with millions of other documents to identify similarities. The tool uses state-of-the-art algorithms to identify plagiarism and give a detailed report on the extent of the plagiarism. Its accuracy has been proven to be higher compared to conventional plagiarism detection tools [7]. In the field of health sciences and nursing education, plagiarism can be a severe issue that can affect the quality of patient care. This is because healthcare professionals need to have a solid understanding of medical knowledge to provide the best possible care to their patients. Plagiarism can lead to a lack of original ideas, reducing the quality of education and research in health sciences and nursing. AI technology has helped to detect plagiarism in the healthcare industry. This can be seen in the use of predictive analytics to identify plagiarism in medical journals and articles. By comparing articles and journals, AI-based tools can identify instances of plagiarism that might have gone unnoticed in the past. This is crucial as it helps maintain high healthcare research and education standards [8].
Plagiarism detection tools have become essential in higher education, and institutions need to invest in them to maintain academic integrity. AI-based technology has provided better and more accurate plagiarism detection tools, which can help institutions in setting academic standards. With the increase in online learning platforms, detecting plagiarism has become more challenging, but AI has made it possible to uncover instances of academic dishonesty. The importance of detecting plagiarism in education cannot be overstated. Academic integrity is essential in ensuring students develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen fields. Using ChatGPT, universities, and other organizations can ensure that their students submit original work and not rely on the work of others to pass courses, which ultimately devalues their education [9].

Benefits of using ChatGPT in higher education

One key benefit of using ChatGPT in higher education is that it can help to reduce the likelihood of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a major issue in higher education, and it is especially problematic in fields such as health sciences and nursing. Students plagiarizing can risk patients by providing incorrect information or failing to follow proper procedures. ChatGPT can help to reduce the prevalence of plagiarism by providing students with guidance and feedback that can help them to avoid copying content from the internet or other sources. Another benefit of using ChatGPT is that it can provide personalized learning experiences for students. This is because ChatGPT is powered by AI, which means it can use data to create an individualized learning experience for each student. For example, ChatGPT can use information about a student’s past performance to create customized lessons that are tailored to the student’s strengths and weaknesses [10].
Additionally, ChatGPT can help to promote engagement and interaction. In traditional classroom settings, students may be hesitant to ask questions or participate in discussions. This can be especially true in large classes or courses covering complex or difficult material. ChatGPT can help to overcome this hurdle by providing a platform for students to ask questions and interact with the material at their own pace [11].

Ethical considerations of using AI

AI has been a game-changer in various industries and has been incorporated into the education system to enhance learning experiences. AI-powered systems have been designed to detect and report plagiarism, which has become increasingly common in universities and colleges worldwide. ChatGPT, an AI-powered program, is one of the many systems used to detect plagiarism. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and compare students’ work to existing work available on the internet. The use of AI in plagiarism detection has brought up ethical concerns. One of the most significant ethical issues lies in the way AI operates. AI relies on algorithms to detect plagiarism, and as such, it is only as accurate as the algorithms used. Errors can cause a student to be wrongly accused of plagiarism, causing academic repercussions. Although AI-powered systems have been designed to reduce false positives, there is always the possibility that a student can be falsely charged [12].
Another ethical issue is the privacy of students. The AI-powered system collects data, often used for educational purposes, but data breaches are possible. Universities must ensure that such systems have the highest level of data security to protect students’ privacy, which is paramount. Lastly, there is an ethical concern about the overall impact on the educational system. While AI-powered systems have the potential to reduce plagiarism, some argue that it discourages critical thinking and creativity among students. Academic writing is an essential part of learning, and students may feel stifled in their ability to express themselves by creating the possibility of being caught for plagiarism [13].

Overcoming the challenges of implementing ChatGPT in higher education

ChatGPT offers students active and interactive learning experiences by providing interactive and customized feedback. However, implementing ChatGPT in higher education comes with its challenges. One of the significant challenges faced with the implementation of ChatGPT in higher education is the issue of plagiarism. Students’ dishonesty in academic work has been a long-standing problem in higher education. The introduction of AI chatbots may make it easier for students to plagiarize, so careful measures must be in place to combat this challenge. Educators may engage with the help of AI tools that have the ability to detect plagiarism and report it to relevant school authorities. As such, students will have to improve their research and writing skills [14].
Another challenge is the lack of technical know-how to operate and customize the chatbot effectively. Institutions may have to invest in training and hiring professionals that can manage and maintain AI. This involves resources such as time and finances. Additionally, some students may face a language barrier or learning disability that could impact their ability to interact seamlessly with the chatbot. Educators must ensure they cater to the diversity of their student body when implementing this AI technology. The health sciences and nursing education have unique needs that pose additional challenges to the successful implementation of ChatGPT. For example, students in these fields require hands-on training that theoretical knowledge cannot provide. ChatGPT does not replace practical training but rather supports it. Therefore, educators in these fields must be intentional in how they blend AI technology with practical training [15].

Future directions for AI, ChatGPT

The potential benefits of AI and chatbots in the education industry are promising, and we can expect to see continued experimentation and innovation in this area. As educators and administrators continue to explore the use of AI tools in health sciences and nursing education, it will be important to ensure that they are used in a way that is effective, ethical, and grounded in best practices. By doing so, we can help ensure that students receive the best possible educational experience and that educators are able to leverage the power of AI to achieve their goals [5].
However, the use of AI in the education industry is not without its challenges, particularly when it comes to plagiarism detection tools that rely on machine learning. While these tools can help identify potential instances of plagiarism, they can also produce false positives and fail to detect more sophisticated forms of plagiarism. Educators and administrators must take a thoughtful and nuanced approach to incorporating AI tools in the classroom to ensure they are used effectively and fairly [8].
In the future, expect to see continued advancements and improvements in AI technology in the education industry, particularly in the fields of health sciences and nursing education. As educators become more adept at using AI tools, we expect to see improvements in student learning outcomes, retention rates, and a more personalized and engaging educational experience for students. As AI technology continues to evolve, it is important to carefully consider its potential benefits and drawbacks in higher education. Responsible and ethical use of AI and chatbots can ultimately contribute to a more efficient and effective educational environment [12].


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No potential conflict of interest has been declared by the author.


No specific grants were received from government, commercial, or non-profit funds.

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The author grants publishers the right to publish and distribute this work also is original and has not been previously published.

Author’s contributions

The author contributed to the article’s conception and drafted the manuscript also, critically analyzed the manuscript, and provided valuable feedback. He contributed towards the acquisition of data, approved the final version of the manuscript, and agreed to be responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the study to meet at least one of the following criteria (recommended by the ICMJE*)


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How to Cite this Article
Pubmed Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI. Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments. J Med Res Rev. 2023; 1(2): 47-50. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614

Web Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI. Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jmrr/?mno=158725 [Access: October 06, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI. Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments. J Med Res Rev. 2023; 1(2): 47-50. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI. Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments. J Med Res Rev. (2023), [cited October 06, 2024]; 1(2): 47-50. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614

Harvard Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI (2023) Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments. J Med Res Rev, 1 (2), 47-50. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614

Turabian Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI. 2023. Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments. Journal of Medical Research and Reviews, 1 (2), 47-50. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614

Chicago Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI. "Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments." Journal of Medical Research and Reviews 1 (2023), 47-50. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI. "Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments." Journal of Medical Research and Reviews 1.2 (2023), 47-50. Print. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

AHMED LATEEF ALKHAQANI (2023) Communication and Teamwork as a Nursing Competence: Aspects of Facilitating and Impediments. Journal of Medical Research and Reviews, 1 (2), 47-50. doi:10.5455/JMRR.20230624051614